2022年10月27日 星期四


Ami Han is a member of the school volleyball team in South Korea. But she is also a shape-shifter. She is the super hero known as White Fox.

Seol Hee is a K-pop star. She is also known as Lunar Snow, who can freeze her enemy. 

Dan bi, a ten year old girl from South Korea.  She formed a special team with a bear spirit. They are known as Crescent and IO.

They are the characters of Future Avengers! Read their stories in the new comic book "Marvel Future Fight Firsts"(F MAR). You can borrow it in the school library tomorrow.

Ami Han是南韓一所學校的排球隊隊員,但她也具備變形能力,她就是超級英雄白狐White Fox。

Seo Hee是K-pop明星,也同時是Luna Snow,能把敵人冰封。

10歲南韓女孩Dan bi,跟一頭大熊的魂魄組成拍擋,被稱作Crescent and IO。

她們都是未來復仇者的角色!你可以在新漫畫"Marvel Future Fight Firsts"《未來之戰》(F MAR)讀到她們的故事,明天將在圖書館新書推出。

