2021年5月23日 星期日

Jane Eyre's love affair

A teacher loves a rich man. It's a famous story which has written over 200 years!

You may have watched the TV series or films adapted from "Jane Eyre". 

Jane was a poor girl who lived sadly with her aunt. When Jane was 18 years old, she got a teach job and worked for Mr Rochester. Jane fell in love with him and they were going to married...

But there was a terrible secret in Mr Rochester's house. Why was a woman living in the attic? And Mr Rochester seems afraid of Mr Mason, a visitor came from West Indies...

The plot of "Jane Eyre" was simple and straight at first, but it is more exciting after 20 pages as the secret of Mr Rochester was discovered.

Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre"(F BRO) will be avilable in the library next week. This version is also on the S.3 booklist of another Tuen Mum secondary school.



Jane是個可憐女孩,與姨姨一起生活並不快樂。18歲時,Jane找到家庭教師的工作,在Mr Rochester家中任職。Jane和他戀上,將會結婚...

但Mr Rochester的房子卻有可怕的秘密。為什麼閣樓有個女人居住?Mr Rochester看來害怕來自西印度的訪客Mr Mason...

"Jane Eyre"的情節初段簡單直接,但二十頁後揭開Mr Rochester的秘密,就較為刺激。

Charlotte Bronte的“Jane Eyre"《簡愛》(F BRO),下星期將在圖書館新書推出,這個版本亦是屯門另一所中學的中三書單用書。

