2020年8月8日 星期六

Age of Ultron

“Age of Ultron” is the second story book of “Avengers”.

The Avengers attacked Strucker’s laboratory and took back the scepter stole by him. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner used the power of the scepter to create an artificial intelligence. Stark believed Ultron will become a world peace-keeping program but it had an evil plan…

Iron Man and his friends needed to fight against powerful Ultron…

This story is full of fighting actions but it is not as interesting as the previous one.

“Avengers: Age of Ultron”(F AVE) will be available in school library in the new semester.

“Age of Ultron”《奧創紀元》是“Avengers”《復仇者聯盟》的第二冊小說。

復仇者聯盟進攻Strucker的實驗室,取回被盜去的權仗。Tony StarkBruce Banner利用權仗的力量創造人工智慧。Stark相信Ultron會成為維持世界和平的系統,可是Ultron卻有邪惡計劃……



“Avengers: Age of Ultron”《復仇者聯盟.2:奧創紀元》(F AVE),將於新學年在圖書館推出。

