2021年11月27日 星期六


Have you watched the latest trailer of the new Spider-Man movie?
There is rumour that Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield will both show up in the movie. Some of the Marvel fans are very excited as it means that 3 actors who have played Spider-Man will all appear in “Spider-Man: No way home”.
As only Tom Holland appeared in the latest trailer, we will see whether the fan’s dream can come true when the film is shown in the cinema.

However, you can enjoy another adventure of Spider-man by reading the new book “Spider-Man: the swashbuckling spider”. You see a man look like Nick Fury in the book cover. He’s the ancestor of Nick. How does Spider-Man meet him? And why they fight against the pirate together?
“Spider-Man: the swashbuckling spider”(F SPI) will be available in the school library next week.
傳聞指Tobey MaguireAndrew Garfield均會在電影亮相,有些Marvel影迷對於三位曾扮演蜘蛛俠的演員,或會在” Spider-Man: No way home”「蜘蛛俠:不戰無歸」中同場演出,感到十分興奮。
可是最新預告仍只有Tom Holland露面,影迷的期望能否成真,就要留待電影在戲院上演。

“Spider-Man: the swashbuckling spider”,經歷蜘蛛俠另一場刺激經歷。封面看到一個貌似Nick Fury的男人,其實他是Nick的祖先。蜘蛛俠怎會和他遇上?他們又為什麼會聯手對抗海盜?
“Spider-Man: the swashbuckling spider”(F SPI)將在下星期圖書館新書推出。

