2022年8月17日 星期三


I have read different versions of "Oliver Twist" for three consecutive years. This one is on the S.1 booklist of another Tuen Mun school.

It's not the most interesting one, but is a rather easy and simple version.

Oliver was a poor orphan and lived with a theif called Fagin. Fortunately, he was helped by Mr Brownlow and Rose. However, Fagin and his friends planned to hurt Oliver since there was a secret in Oliver's family...

"Oliver Twist"(F DIC) was one of the most famous novels written by Charles Dickens. You can borrow this version in school library soon.

連續三年讀了不同版本的“Oliver Twist"《苦海孤雛》,這個版本是屯門友校的中一書單用書。


孤兒Oliver與賊人Fagin同住,幸好他得到Mr Brownlow和Rose相助。不過, Fagin和同伴陰謀傷害Oliver,正因Oliver家族有個秘密...

“Oliver Twist"《苦海孤雛》(F DIC)是Charles Dickens狄更斯的其中一部名著,你稍後可到圖書館借閱。

“Oliver Twist"其他版本:

Pearson English active readers:書評

Macmillan readers:書評

