2021年6月19日 星期六


“Oliver Twist" is one of the great stories written by Charles Dickens.

Oliver was a poor orphan and lived with Fagin. Fagin trained Oliver to be a thief. Fortunately, Oliver escaped and his life changed.

There are many different version of "Oliver Twist" in school library. This version is on the booklist of another Tuen Mun secondary school. However, it is not the most interesting one. 

Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist"(F DIC) will be available in school library next year.

《苦海孤雛》"Oliver Twist"是狄更斯眾多偉大作品之一。


圖書館有多個不同版本的《苦海孤雛》,這個牌本是屯門另一所中學書單用書,可是卻並非最精彩的一本。(連結英國文學之Oliver Twist)

Charles Dickens的“Oliver Twist"《苦海孤雛》(F DIC),新學年將在圖書館推出。

