2021年10月2日 星期六

Brainwash Iron Man

Iron Man is fighting against Black Widow and Black Panther! Is it another civil war between the Avengers?

No! This time Iron Man is brainwashed by his enemy. Tony Stark lost his mind. So what's the plan of the other Avengers?

"Marvel action Avengers, the new danger"(F AVE) will be available in school library next week.

鐵甲奇俠大戰黑寡婦和黑豹! 難道復仇者聯盟掀起另一場英雄內戰?

並非如此,這次鐵甲奇俠被人洗腦,Tony Stark失去理智,其他復仇者聯盟成員如何應對?

"Marvel action Avengers, the new danger"(F AVE) 將於下星期圖書館新書推出。

