2021年4月27日 星期二

復仇者對戰Count Nefaria

Doctor Stranger is in danger! Thor and Captain Marvel found that they are in a strange place. How can they save Doctor Strange in time?
Where are the other Avengers? Iron Man, Black Panther and Black Widow are fighting with Count Nefaria on Earth!
You have watched a lot of Avengers movies. Do you know who is Count Nefaria? You will meet him in this graphic novel “Marvel action Avengers, the Ruby Egress”.
“Marvel action Avengers, the Ruby Egress”(F AVE) will be available in school library soon.

復仇者聯盟的其他成員在哪裡?鐵甲奇俠、黑豹和黑寡婦正在地球和Count Nefaria(尼法瑞雅伯爵)惡鬥!
同學看過很多復仇者聯盟系列的電影,你知道誰是Count Nefaria嗎?你在“Marvel action Avengers, the Ruby Egress”這本圖畫小說將會跟他碰面。
“Marvel action Avengers, the Ruby Egress”(F AVE)稍後將在圖書館推出。

