2015年5月18日 星期一

Miss Kate 教你愛的語言


"The Five Love Languages" has been a bestseller for over twenty years and it has been translated into over 50 languages. Over 10 million copies have been sold worldwide.
To show our love to people, we also speak a language. We call it love language.
This book teaches us how to express our love using 5 different love languages.
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Receiving Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch

“The Five Love Languages” 長年佔據外國暢銷書榜,現已翻譯成超過50種不同語言的版本,全球售出多於1000萬冊。學會愛的語言,你才能傳達愛意。這本書教曉我們如何表達以下5種愛的基本語言:
1.      肯定的言語 (Words of affirmation)
2.      精心的時刻 (Quality time)
3.      接受禮物 (Receiving gifts)
4.      服務的行動 (Acts of service)
5.      身體的接觸 (Physical touch)

要學會愛的語言,就如學英語一樣,要勤力溫習。”The five love languages”(646.7 CHA)將於本周新書推出,給你好機會同時磨鍊兩種必備語言能力!

