2015年4月7日 星期二

Miss Wong介紹天堂


I have never seen Heaven. I can’t tell you from experience what it is like. The best I can do is to tell you what information the Bible has. That is why, I like so many other people, are very interested by stories of people who have claimed to have been there and come back. I recommend this book for its ability to cause you to think, wonder, and process. Hope you like this book.

我當然未嘗踏足天堂,自然無法向你描繪那兒是怎個光景,只能按聖經的記述講解。有人聲稱曾經去過天堂,我和大眾同樣對他們的經歷十分好奇。我推薦”Heaven is for real”《真的有天堂》這本書,它讓你思考、感到詫異,希望你也喜歡這本書。


王皓怡老師推介的”Heaven is for real”(133 BUR)  / 《真的有天堂》(242.7 1571),圖書館備有中英文版本,歡迎同學預約。

