2014年10月8日 星期三

Luke 的好書介紹

The book I want to recommend is “Stormbreaker”(F HOR) by Anthony Horowitz. The book is the first in a series of books about a boy named Alex Rider, and the first book was made into a movie. In the book Alex becomes a secret agent, just like James Bond. It tells us about his struggles following his uncle’s death, as he has to complete his uncle’s last mission. It’s a really exciting book, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves action and adventure. It’s not too difficult to read, so why not give it a shot? You can find this book, and many others in the school library.

By Luke

今天我向同學推介的圖書名為”Stormbreaker”(F HOR),作者是Anthony Horowitz。這是關於男孩Alex Rider的系列首作,亦已拍攝成電影。書中的Alex就如占士邦一樣,擁有特務的身分。故事講述Alex在叔叔死後的內心掙扎,最終完成叔叔的最後任務。這是一本刺激的圖書,如果你喜愛動作或冒險小說,就千萬不要錯過。本書並不太深奧,為何不試一試呢?本書現已可於學校圖書館借閱。

