2019年9月29日 星期日

一次睇4集Toy Story

What’s your favorite toy? Do you know your toys hate your birthday much?

It’s because you will get a present on your birthday party. That means old toys could be replaced by new ones.

I haven’t watch the movie series of Toy Story. But I found the story is really touching and exciting when reading “Toy Story 4 movie storybook”. It includes retellings of all four Toy Story films.

 When Buzz Lightyear was still a new toy to Andy, he had tough times with Woody. How did they become friends eventually?

Why did Woody refuse to go back to Andy’s house? Do you know he nearly go to a museum in Japan?

When Andy grew up and went to college, what’s the fate of the other toys?

Woody and the other toys got a new owner, Bonnie. But their adventures never end. Bonnie made a craft in her kindergarten class. Forky ,the new “toy”, brought a lot of troubles to Woody and his friends.

“Toy Story 4, movie storybook” (F TOY) will be available in library this Friday.



我沒有看過《反斗奇兵》系列的電影,閱讀“Toy Story 4, movie storybook”時格外覺得感人和新奇,這本書包含了四部電影的故事。





“Toy Story 4, movie storybook”《反斗奇兵(4)(F TOY)將於星期五開始外借。

