2019年2月15日 星期五

歷奇冒險 Cliffhanger

Abseiling, canoeing, obstacle race…sounds exciting or seems awful?

Tim was sent to an adventure centre by his dad. Although Tim was top student in all the subjects at school, he hates games as he was hopeless at sports. His father was captain of football and cricket team. He believed Tim would become a tough boy if he joined the adventure holiday.

Tim was scared and felt lonely in the camp. And he was teamed up with other boys and girls. How could he cope with those horrible games? And could his team be the overall champions?

“Cliffhanger”(F WIL) is a story full of humour. It is in the S.1 booklist of another seco
ndary school in Shatin. Don’t miss Jacqueline Wilson’s “Cliffhanger” if you want to enjoy a short interesting story.




“Cliffhanger”(F WIL)故事幽默,是沙田區中學中一書單的指定圖書。如果你想閱讀短篇有趣的英文小說,就不要錯過Jacqueline Wilson “Cliffhanger”

