2012年6月23日 星期六

Chanel 香奈兒

As a man, I don't know much about Chanel.

Chanel is one of the most famous fashion brand in the world. Its products include clothes, bags, jewellery and perfume. Many famous stars, like Emma Watson, Keira Knightley, Blake Lively and Audrey Tatou, are fans of Chanel.

Do you know that Chanel started almost a hundred years ago? Why is it still so popular?

Everything starts with a poor girl called Coco Chanel...

In "The story of Chanel", you will know the life of Coco. She lived in the orphanage till 18. How did she become one of the most famous designer in the world? You will also read her love affairs, the story behind her designs and the development of the company, the House of Chanel.

"The story of Chanel" (923 SHI) will be on the bookshelf in the coming school year. Don't miss it if you are interested in  fashion!

身為男性,我對Chanel (香奈兒) 認識不深。

Chanel是世界最著名的時裝品牌。它的產品包括服裝、手袋、珠寶和香水。很多明星,如Emma Watson,  Keira Knightley, Blake Lively和Audrey Tatou都是 Chanel的支持者。

你知道 Chanel其實已是一間「百年老店」嗎?為何它能歷久不衰,仍然廣受歡迎?

一切都由一個名叫Coco Chanel 的窮女孩開始……

在《The story of Chanel》一書中,你會知道Coco一生的事蹟。18歲前她住在孤兒院,你如何成為舉世知名的設計師?你還會讀到她的情事、設計背後的理念,以及 House of Chanel企業的發展。

"The story of Chanel"(923 SHI)將於新學年推出。如你對潮流服飾品牌感興趣,就不要錯過!

French star Audrey Tautou appeared in the advert for Chanel perfumes.


"If you were born without wings, let them grow". Coco Chanel


