2023年9月10日 星期日

不太有趣的Short stories

"British and American Short Stories" collects nine stories from different British or American writers. Most of them are about five to six pages.

Some of the characters in the stories are quite special. There is an old gravedigger who is addicted to alcohol.("Silas the good") There's the man who tries to catch a ghost in his room on the ship. ("The Upper Berth")

The book cover stated that many stories have a twist at the end, but its not as interesting as I expected. The most exiting one is "The Rocking-Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawrence. 

"British and American Short Stories"(F LAW) will be available in the school library later.

"British and American Short Stories" 收錄了九個英美作家的故事,每篇大約五至六頁。

部分故事的角色挺獨特,例如一位沉溺酒精的年老掘墓人 (“Silas the Good"),一個想在船上房間捉拿鬼魂的男人(“The Upper Berth")。

封底指大部分故事結局另有曲折,可惜未如期望。其中最刺激的故事是D.H. Lawrence的“The Rocking-Horse Winner"。

“British and American Short Stories"(F LAW)稍後將在圖書館推出。

