2022年3月5日 星期六


About then years ago, a library prefect had recommended this novel to me.

"Holes" has won several awards and is the winner of the US National Book Award. It was also adapted to movie afterward.

Stanley Yelnats was grown up in a poor family. The Yelnats believed they were being cursed. Stanley was sent to Camp Green Lake, a detention centre, because he was wrongly accused of stealing a pair of sneakers.

All the boys in the camp were forced to dig holes every day. Stanley realized there was a secret of the holes as he knew that the Warden of the Camp was looking for something......

The story is a bit complicated as you will know the secret is related to Stanley's ancestor and racial inequality. But you should be satisfied with the ending. 

Louis Sacher's "Holes"(F SAC) is on the S.3 English Literature booklist of other EMI schools. It is suitable for senior form students. It will be available in the school library later.



Stanley Yelnats在窮困家庭成長,Yelnats一家相信家族被詛咒。Stanley被送往Camp Green Lake看守所,因為他被誤判盜取一對運動鞋。



Louis Sachar的“Holes"(F SAC)是其他英中中三英國文學的書單用書,適合高中同學閱讀,日後將在圖書館推出。

