2019年4月7日 星期日

Shazam! 沙贊!

One day, a teenager called Billy Batson met a wizard who fought against seven evil creatures. The wizard believed Billy could be the Champion to trap the evil creatures again as he got pure heart and was strong in spirit.

Billy transformed into Shazam, a new super hero who had super strength such as flying and creating lightning. But Dr. Sivana, a evil villain, wanted to steal his power…

Library have got two new books of Shazam, “Shazam!, becoming Shazam"  and "Shazam!, a Shazam Showdown"(F SHA). Both of them will be available in the coming week.


名叫Billy Batson的青年某天遇到一個對抗七大惡魔的巫師,巫師相信Billy具備純潔心靈和堅強意志,有能力重新拘禁邪惡勢力……

Billy變身成為Shazam(沙贊),具有神奇力量的超級英雄,例如飛翔和操控閃電,可是邪惡的Dr. Sivana正密謀盜取他的力量……

圖書館已購入兩本Shazam沙贊的故事--“Shazam!, becoming Shazam"  和 "Shazam!, a Shazam Showdown"(F SHA),下星期將在新書推出。

