2018年4月6日 星期五

嫁個有錢人Pride and prejudice

Elizabeth is the second sister in the Bennett family. This is a story about the love affairs of her and her sisters. Mrs Bennett always wishes her five unmarried daughters to meet someone of large fortune.

When Mr Bingley becomes their new neighbour, Mrs Bennett is so delighted. Mr Bingley, who is a wealthy single man, falls in love with Jane the eldest sister. Elizabeth also meets Mr Darcy in a party. Mr Darcy seems too proud of himself in her eyes. Is that impression true?

And Elizabeth meets Mr Wickham and Mr Collins afterward. The one who looks kind and polite doesn’t mean he really is. Will the prejudice of Elizabeth lead to her failure in finding true love?

“Pride and prejudice” is one of the most famous novels written by Jane Austen. In this version, you can still enjoy the interesting relationship between Elizabeth and Mr Darcy. It is not a dull old-fashioned love story, especially there are several humorous conversation between Mr and Mrs Bennett.

“Pride and prejudice”(F AUS) is a level 5 storybook of Pearson English Readers. And this version is the reader for S.2 students in a famous girl school. You can borrow it after the Easter holiday.


Mr Bingley搬到附近,Bennett太太十分高興。Mr Bingley是富有的單身男士,他隨即愛上Bennett的長女JaneElizabeth在派對亦遇到Mr Darcy,不過在她眼中,Mr Darcy是個傲慢的人,這個印象真確嗎?

後來Elizabeth先後碰上Mr WickhamMr Collins,看上去友善有禮的,並不代表真人如此。Elizabeth的偏見會否成為她尋覓真愛的障礙?

“Pride and prejudice”《傲慢與偏見》是Jane Austen其中最著名的作品。這個版本你可以讀到ElizabethMr Darcy之間的有趣關係,這並非沉悶老土的愛情故事,特別是Bennett先生和太太之間的幽默對話。

“Pride and prejudice”《傲慢與偏見》(F AUS)Pearson English Reader系列的Level 5程度故事,這個版本也是名女校的中二指定reader,復活假期後你可於圖書館借閱“Pride and prejudice”《傲慢與偏見》。

