2015年3月24日 星期二

Miss Leung介紹的謎團


 How would you feel if a person waving “hello” to you suddenly disappeared? In 1880, David Lang, a farmer disappeared in front of his family and friends. When you look up into the night sky, what are you thinking? Do you believe that there are other worlds out there? Is there life in those worlds? Have you ever seen an UFO? Have UFOs and aliens visited Earth? In this book, you can find some very interesting but mysterious cases.

眼前跟你揮手的人突然消失,你有何感想?1880年,農夫David Lang就在他的家人和朋友面前憑空消失。夜半望向星空,你有何所思所想?你可曾思量外太空是否有其他文明和生物存在?你有沒有見過不明飛行物體?它們和外星人真的曾到訪地球?這些有趣又不可思議的事件,你可在新書"Mysteries of the unexplained”中一一讀到。

有膽量接受Miss Leung的挑戰嗎?"Mysteries of the unexplained"(F BUR)將在復活節假期後推出。

