2018年7月28日 星期六


Paxton saw an old picture in a church during his holiday in Seaburgh. An old man told him that England was protected by three magic crowns. 

One magic crown was in the ground. The crown protected the country, and the Agers Family protected the crown.

However, William Agers, the last person in the family, was dead.
When Paxton took the crown from William’s grave, strange things happened. A shadow began to follow Paxton all day…

“The Crown”(F JAM) is a short exciting story. It will be available in the coming school year. Can Paxton save himself from the frightening shadow?

PaxtonSeaburgh渡假期間於教堂看到一幅舊畫,老人告訴他英格蘭由三頂魔法皇冠守護,其中一頂就是埋在當地地下。皇冠守護著國家,而Agers家族就守衛著皇冠。可是,家族最後一人William Agers卻已逝世。


“The Crown”(F JAM)這個刺激短篇故事將於新學年推出,Paxton最後能否逃出恐佈的影子?

