2018年5月23日 星期三

Louis Braille 的發明

Do you know how the blind people read?

Someone invented the alphabet of raised dots. He’s only a twelve years old boy. And he was blind, too.

It was a sad but inspiring story. Louis Braille, who lived in a little town in France, was a normal child who was able to see. He became blind in both eyes when he had an accident at home.

In 1819, he went to study in a school for the blind in Paris. At that time, it was very difficult for the blind to read since there were a lot of problems in the raised letters the blind used. Still a twelve-year-old boy, how did Louis invent the new system?

“Louis Braille, the boy who invented books for the blind” (F MAR) was written by Margaret Davidson. It is listed in the booklist for F.2 students in another Tuen Mun secondary school. It will be available in the school library thus Friday.

這是一個悲傷但勵志的故事。Louis Braille住在法國小鎮,出生時如其他孩童一樣視力正常。可是5歲時卻在家中遇上意外而失去視力。

“Louis Braille, the boy who invented books for the blind”《路易士.布雷爾》的作者是Margaret Davidson,本書是同區中學的中二級指定書目,星期五起在圖書館外借。

