2012年3月29日 星期四

Deep trouble--考試唔溫書?

I dare not to introduce this book during the uniform test.


Amy and Matt are preparing for their exams. As there was a five day’s vacation before the exam took place, the two friends drive to the marina at the beach.


Suddenly Matt jumped onto a big white boat. When they were still joking and laughing, the owners of the boat came back. The owners were drug traffickers, they shot a man and the man’s body went down into the water.


Amy and Matt are in deep trouble. Matt is good at scuba-diving, but he must dive for their lives this time as they were found by the cruel drug dealers…


“Deep Trouble” is an exciting story. You will prefer to stay at home revising for your exam rather than going out after reading this book.


“Deep trouble” is available in the CBT library now.









“Deep Trouble”(F THO)是刺激的故事。閱讀本書後,相信你會寧可留在家中溫習多於外出。


你現已可於圖書館借閱”Deep trouble”



