2010年5月1日 星期六


A lot of lower forms students are fans of Geronimo Stilton. You haven't heard this name? Let me introduce him to you. Geronimo Stilton, the editor of a newspaper (The Rodent's Gazette) , comes from the New Mouse City. "Mouse", get it? Right! Geronimo Stilton is the main character of the famous series 《老鼠記者》.

Geronimo Stilton has many funny and exciting adventures all over the world. This time, he was forced to join the Karate World Championship by his friend Bruce Hyena. Geronimo is not strong and knows nothing about karate. And he only has one week to train. So what will happen to Geronimo in the Karate tournament? You must read his funny story in the book "The Karate Mouse".

圖書館向來有購入《老鼠記者》的中文版新書,最近有同學反映已有一段時間沒有添置英文版了,我們立即回應同學的需求,下星期將率先推出英文版第40冊《The Karate Mouse》!

這次是我第一次看《老鼠記者》系列,明白低年級同學喜愛的原因。把Geronimo Stilton投放在現實世界熟悉的環境,不過以老鼠身分迎接一切挑戰,內容有趣、插圖豐富、英文也較淺白,是一套適合低年級同學的好書。

《The Karate Mouse》講述不愛運動冒險的Geronimo Stilton被朋友Bruce強迫參加世界空手道錦標賽,Geronimo對空手道一無所知,而且距離比賽舉行只有一個星期時間,當然他還得接受日本空手道鼠師特訓,過程中少不了幽默惹笑的趣事,而且還會認識空手道的真締……想知道他在空手道錦標賽的遭遇,就不要錯過下星期圖書館新書《The Karate Mouse》(F STI),本書適合初中同學閱讀。

*如果你想閱讀本系列圖書,中文版索書號為 859 9347,英文版為 F STI。

