This is the most interesting English fiction I read in 2010. The title of the book is “Crime Story Collection”. It includes 7 short stories about murder. Some of the murderers have good plans, but some of them just killed someone accidentally.
I enjoy reading this book because the stories are exciting. Most of the endings will surprise you.
For example, in the story of “How’s your mother?”, there was a man who lived with his old mother in a house. The policeman found his mother was missing after a fire broke out in his house. The police suspected he had killed his mother. He admitted that he only pretended to live with his mother because he wanted to live alone. He "invented" his mother! With the excuse of taking care of his mother, no one could disturb him. Without evidence, the police released him. Later, his mother suddenly appeared and was really killed by him accidentally. Will the police arrest him this time?
I will not tell you the ending, but I promise it’s an interesting one.
If you like reading detective stories, you can’t miss “Crime Story Collection”. You can borrow this book next week.
《Crime Story Collection》是我本年讀過最好看的英文小說,書中收錄7個關於兇案的故事,和其他英文readers不同的地方,本書的故事都別有轉折,絕非一般意料之內的結局。向你介紹一下幾個故事的內容:
《Three is a lucky number》:一個借婚姻關係謀取女方遺產的兇手,正準備向他第三任妻子下毒手,當他妻子在浴室遇害之際,他卻在妻子收藏存摺的抽屜找到妻子寫給他的信……
《Full Circle》:兇徒在高速公路槍擊駕駛中的女事主,偵探發現其中的目擊證人虛報個人資料,究竟當中有何玄機?
《 How's your mother?》:小鎮上有一個與年紀老邁母親同居的男人,他的房屋失火卻找不到母親的蹤跡,警察懷疑他殺害了母親,但他卻聲稱其實自小與母親分離,虛構母親的角色只為免卻鄰人的打擾,一切歸於平靜之際他的母親竟突然出現……
《At the old swimming hole》:游泳比賽中泳手被槍殺,偵探發現死者事前臨時與另一位泳手調換賽道,兇手目標其實另有其人……
《Slowly, slowly in the wind》:脾氣暴躁的男主角搬到鄉間,與鄰居結怨,更令他憤怒的是女兒竟與鄰居的兒子遠走高飛,他一怒下殺死鄰居,並把屍體裝扮成農田上的稻草人……
《Woodrow Wilson's Tie》:青年成功匿藏在臘像館內一晚沒被人發現,他想誇耀自己的聰明,不料卻沒人留意,他決定要再次進入臘像館並殺害真人裝作臘像兇案……
《The absence of Emily》:丈夫聲稱太太Emily離家旅行,引來Emily的姐姐懷疑,而丈夫又不斷收到自稱是Emily打來的電話,正當 Emily姐姐要揭穿丈夫謀財害Emily 命之際,埋屍之處竟然空空如也……
這本英文小說十分精采,生字也不多,而且不少文句可於作文仿效,要提升英文水平,這是一本理想讀物(特別適合中四學寫story的同學)。《Crime Story Collection》(F PAR)將於本週在圖書館推出。