統測完畢,是輕鬆的好時刻。現正上映的《狐狸先生無得頂》改編自著名童話作家Roald Dahl的作品《Fantastic Mr Fox》。其實有另一段更精采的預告片,不過不能嵌入,你可以到下面連結觀看:
Farmers Boggis , Bunce and Bean are very angry because Mr Fox always steals chicken and other food from their farms. The three farmers plan to dig Mr Fox and his family out of the hole they lived. Can they catch the Fox family? Of course not! Although Mr Fox lost his tail, he has a fantastic plan to fight for their lives...
故事講述Mr Fox 時常從農莊偷走雞隻和其他食物,農夫Boggis、Bunce 和Bean十分憤怒,他們決定要挖掘 Mr Fox 一家居住的地洞,要將狐狸先生全家一網打盡。雖然他們射斷了Mr Fox的尾巴,還出動推土機去摧毀Mr Fox的家園,不過Mr Fox當然有妙計還以顏色,他將會帶領小狐狸展開還擊大計……
《Fantastic Mr Fox》(F DAH) 英文小說早前已於圖書館推出,約80頁,內容算淺白(即使有些生字不懂也看得明白情節),故事也算有趣(不過後半段較平凡,走不出童話格局,電影版看來較瘋狂)。本書適合中三以上同學閱讀。