2024年6月21日 星期五

Sherlock 粉紅命案

John Watson was back in Afghanistan and he had a blog.

Sherlock Holmes had a personal website called “The Science of Detective Work”.

And he even knew John got an older brother from John’s mobile.
“A study in Pink” is a modern version of Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes story, “A story in Scarlet”. This new TV series is very popular.

The forth dead body was founded in an old house. The victim left a message as she scratched “RACHE” on the floor before she died. Sherlock Holmes and John Watson tried to find out the truth and the murderer.
Sherlock met a stranger in the investigation and it’s a dangerous journey!
“Sherlock, a study in Pink”(F DOY) will be available in the library next semester.


福爾摩斯也有名為"The Science of Detective Work"的個人網站。


"A study in Pink"是現代版本的柯南道爾(Conan Doyle)《福爾摩斯》故事《血字的研究》,這套電視劇集十分受歡迎。



“Sherlock, a study in Pink”《新世紀福爾摩斯》(F DOY),將於新學年在圖書館推出。 

