2023年6月12日 星期一

向Sherlock Holmes求助

Miss Sutherland is a lady who has weak eyes. Mr Hosmer Angel, her lover, disappeared when they are going to get marry at the church.

Mr Soames, a teacher in the university, suspects one of his students saw the exam paper.

Miss Smith is very frightened as she finds out someone is following her frequently.
They have only one solution. They go to ask Sherlock Holmes for help!
“Three short stories of Sherlock Holmes”(F DOY) consists of three exciting detective stories. It will be available in the school library next semester. You can’t miss this interesting book.

Miss Sutherland
視力欠佳,而她的愛人Mr Hosmer Angel,卻在她們前往教堂辦婚禮的途中失去蹤影……
大學講師Mr Soames,懷疑其中一位學生偷看了試卷……
Miss Smith十分驚慌,因為她發現自己頻密被人跟蹤……
他們只有一個解決方法,就是向福爾摩斯Sherlock Holmes求助!
“Three short stories of Sherlock Holmes”(F DOY),包括三個刺激的偵探故事,本書將於新學年在圖書館推出,你千萬不要錯過這本趣味十足的小說。

