2020年1月30日 星期四

The golden touch「金手指」

King Midas could turn everything to gold by touching them. But the problem is how could he eat and drink? ~”The Golden Touch”

This time King Midas made Apollo angry. Apollo punished him by giving him the ears of a donkey. He tried to hide his secrets, could he? ~”The Donkey’s Ears”

This book includes other famous ancient Greek stories, for example, a monster in a labyrinth and the prince escapes with a ball of thread.

The story of Orpheus has a different ending in this book. The musician failed to bring back her wife from the kingdom of death because he looked back at his wife. When Orpheus returned to earth, what will happen to him? ~”A wonderful musician”

“The Golden Touch and other stories”(F FOU) is on the S.2 booklist of another secondary school. Not only the stories are interesting, they also teach you something about life. It will be available later in the school library.

皇帝Midas能把觸摸的東西變成黃金,不過,他該如何飲食?~”The Golden Touch”

這次皇帝Midas開罪了太陽神阿波羅,阿波羅把他的耳朵換成驢耳朵,Midas設法隱藏這個秘密,真的做得到嗎?~”The Donkey’s Ears”


本書中Orpheus的故事有不一樣的結局,這位音樂家因為回望妻子,致未能把妻子從地獄救出。當他回到人間,會發生什麼事?~”A wonderful musician”

“The Golden Touch and other stories”(F FOU)是友校中二書單用書,不僅故事有趣,還會教你不少人生道理。本書稍後將在圖書館推出。

