為了提升 CBT 同學的閱讀品味,圖書館將會不定期推出「名校生必讀」系列,當中介紹的書籍全屬頂尖質素,是外間學校的推薦讀物,讀後一定能提升你的學識水平和擴闊視野!
很久沒有更新「名校生必讀」系列,假期閱讀的這本"Animal Farm"可謂貨真價實,它是著名男校和女校的中二或中三指定reader,現為同學介紹。
Mr Jones was the owner of the Manor Farm.
An old pig in the farm, called Major, had a strange dream. Major gave an
influential speech to describe his dream. He declared that “All men are enemies”
and animals must prepare for a rebellion.
The animals revolted and Mr Jones was
expelled from the farm. The farm was now renamed as “Animal Farm”. Snowball and Napoleon, two young pigs, became
the leaders of other animals. They adopted the Seven Commandments of Animalism
and the most important slogan was “All animals are equal”.
The animals dreamed that they will have
better life after revolution. They even defeat the human again in an attack led
by Mr Jones, who tried to recapture the farm.
Unfortunately there was a power struggle between
Snowball and Napoleon. Napoleon came into power with the support of his young
dog army. When Napoleon became the sole leader of the Animal Farm, the dream of
animals faded…
Mr Jones是Manor農莊的主人。農場中的老豬Major,作了一個奇異的夢。Major按夢境發表影響力極大的演說,他聲稱「人類皆是敵人」,動物必須預備革命。
動物叛變,把Mr Jone逐出農場,農場並易名為Animal Farm(動物農莊)。兩隻年青的小豬Snowball和Napoleon,成了動物的領袖。他們制訂了動物主義的「七誡」,其中最重要的就是「所有動物,一律平等」。
動物夢想革命會改善生活,牠們甚至再次打敗人類--把意圖重奪農莊的Mr Jones擊退。
"Animal Farm"《動物農莊》是George Orwell的名作,他的另一本作品《1984》(書評「名校生必讀(二)」),亦曾在之前的「名校生必讀」系列介紹,圖書館備有中英文版本,歡迎你到圖書館借閱。