2016年4月7日 星期四

Miss Ng : Here and Now...

Miss Ng伍美姿老師之前向同學推介的英文書,你讀過沒有?

Today I would like to introduce a book which is quite different from those we introduced before. It is a book which is more related to your life and the situation is closer to you. It is called ‘Stories of Here and Now’.

The stories in the book are about people like you or people you know. Almost every main character faces a problem or is involved in a conflict. E.g. a girl who feels unwanted by her friends; or young people who feel misunderstood or even bullied by others. When you read these stories, you may recognize situations similar to your own. Sometimes the stories do not tell you the ending. That is left to you to imagine. By taking part in the characters’ decisions, you can learn more about yourself.  

One of the stories is called ‘First Job’. Sheila worked as a part-time in a gift shop for an old lady, Mrs. Foster. One day, she broke an expensive soup tureen and Mrs. Foster seemed do not realize it. If you were Sheila, are you going to tell Mrs. Foster about breaking the dish honestly? Or pretend that nothing happened? Go to the library and read the book ‘Stories of Here and Now’. You will
know yourself more.

今天我要介紹的圖書,與同學的日常生活或遇到的情境有所關連,名為”Stories of Here and Now”


本書其中一個故事名為”First Job”Sheila在老婦人Mrs. Foster的禮品店兼職,她打破了昂貴的湯碗,Mrs. Foster看來並不知曉。如果你是Sheila,你會坦承錯誤嗎?還是假裝一切如常?你可以到圖書館借閱”Stories of Here and Now”(F SEI),了解自己更多。

"Stories of here and now" 1-2冊,現已可於圖書館借閱。

