2014年4月5日 星期六

X-Men 三部曲

Wolverine has the power to heal his body and he has metal claws in his hands.
Storm can control the weather. She can make lightning, fog, strong winds…
Magneto can move anything metal with his mind.
Mystique can change her face and body to look like anyone.

They are all mutants who have special powers.
All of them are famous characters in the film “X-Men”.

If you want to know how the rivalry between Professor X and Magneto begins, you can watch the movie “X-Men: First Class” which will be shown on TVB Pearl this Sunday.

But if you want to know how the story develops , you can read the series of “X-Men” in school library.

In “X-Men”, Magneto tries to use a machine to change human into mutants. Professor X and his team of mutants must stop him.

In “X-Men 2”, a mutant tries to kill the President of USA. A scientist called William Stryker has both Professor X and Magneto in his prison.

In “X-Men: the last stand”, the government gets a new “cure” for mutants. Magneto is very angry and he decides to start a war between humans and mutants…

The stories are exciting and you can borrow the three story books of “X-Men” ( F XME) in library.





“X-Men 2”《變種特攻2》的故事,美國總統險被變種人刺殺,科學家William Stryker更把X教授和磁力王收押在監獄內。
“X-Men: the last stand”《變種特攻:兩極爭霸》中的政府發明新方法治療變種人,怒不可遏的磁力王決定要在常人與變種人之間發起戰爭。

這幾個故事都很刺激,你可以在圖書館借閱這三本”X-Men”《變種特工》(F XME)圖書。

