2010年12月28日 星期二



Have you watched the latest movie “Gulliver’s Travels”?


Most of you should have already read the story in primary school. Lemuel Guillver made several exciting voyages and visited several strange places accidentally.


You will never forget the countries ruled by the tiny men and giants. And how about the places belong to the magicians or horses?


Do you still remember there is a famous Japanese animation called “Laputa”(天空之城)? The island flying in the sky, guess what? It was also one of the adventures of Guillver.


Everyone has used Yahoo. But do you know that the word “Yahoo” is first invented in this book? In the country owned by horses, the master horse told Guillver that they called the ugly and stupid creatures Yahoos.


I also admired lives in the “horse’s world”. “They live very simple lives, and they love friendship and truth. They never fight with each other, and they never argue. They believe they can use their intelligence to solve all problems.” (p.105 -106) Can we also try to use our intelligence to make compromise when we have different opinions?


“Guilliver’s Travels” (F SWI) is an interesting storybook. Read it even you have not watch the movie!










即使你沒有看過電影,《Guilliver"s Travels》也是一本有趣的故事,你可以在英文小說架找到本書(索書號是 F SWI)。


