2013年4月18日 星期四
another "little women"
"Little women" was once recommended in the library xanga last year. There is another version of this famous story. It belongs to the "Penguin Active Reading" series.
Library prefects and I enjoy reading this series very much. We have borrowed over 10 titles of this series from the public library ourselves. You can learn English by reading interesting famous stories or bibliographies. Moreover, it includes an audio CD.
Mr. March is away in the war. The four March sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy stay at home with their mother. The story is about their lives in the difficult year. Even they don't have much money, they can still have happy times with love in their family.
"Little women"(F ALC) will be on the bookshelf tomorrow. "Mr. Bean" and "E.T." will be available very soon.
去年曾在圖書館網頁推薦"Little women"《小婦人》,這本經典名著現有另一新版本,屬於"Penguin Active Reading"系列。
Mr. March正服兵役,Meg、Jo、Beth和Amy四姐妹跟母親留在家中,故事圍繞著艱難年度她們一家的日子。即使家境並不富裕,充滿愛的家仍然讓她們過著快樂的日子。
"Little women"《小婦人》(F ALC)明天開始外借,而《憨豆先生》和《ET外星人》亦會快將推出。